What if you are the problem?
The Mere Exposure Effect Workshop (MEEW)
Developed by Responsible Media Group, this science-based implicit bias training is designed to challenge the narratives in media that create and perpetuate biases.

The familiar feels like a best friend. From your workout routines to the news you trust, you feel comfortable with the things you know. These automatic patterns often lead to unconscious biases that essentially create mental shortcuts that save time and keep us safely in our comfort zones.
The Mere Exposure Effect, a well-documented phenomenon of social psychology, explains how repeated exposure to implicit associations influences perceptions. Content that harbors implicit bias, bypasses our awareness and filters for critical thought.
Now more than ever, media literacy is crucial. Join Anti-Racism Activist, Jae Rutherford and Applied Social Psychologist, Dr. Lin Steiner for the MEEW. This implicit bias training will equip you to become a critical consumer and conscious creator of media.

The MEEW empowers you to:
Challenge your own unconscious biases.
Develop a critical eye for media consumption.
Elevate your content creation process for inclusivity.
Shape a more conscious media landscape.
The more you question the lens through which your world is presented, the more you’ll learn to separate fact from fiction, and history from hyperbole. From racism and sexual orientation to social justice, we explore the attitudinal effects of built-in biases—the ideas, schema, memes, or tropes, that impact how you create and consume media.
​MEEW Takeaways:
Identify Your Personal Biases: Learn how the Mere Exposure Effect shapes your media consumption and decision-making.
Unpack Media's Influence: Explore and examine examples of how media and advertising contribute to systemic racism by perpetuating stereotypes and implicit biases.
Master Critical Thinking: Hone your skills to identify what forms of bias exist in media and develop a more informed perspective.
Become a Responsible Creator: Discover how to create inclusive content that challenges assumptions and fosters positive social change.
Transcript Since the late 19th century, psychology's impact on media has been profound. It has not only shaped our perceptions but also reinforced stereotypes and normalized narratives steeped in racism, bias, and violence. The utilization of psychological tactics in marketing and advertising aims to evoke emotional responses, blurring the line between manipulation and effective marketing. The stories and images prevalent in mass media contribute to a collective truth often changed by ingrained biases. The mere exposure effect workshop emphasizes media's significant role in perpetuating societal narratives, influenced by historical psychological biases.
Don't Bet Misled: Understanding Media Bias Matters

Media bias extends beyond just news reporting. Advertisements also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and prejudices. Look no further than the Sony PS4 ad using racial undertones to sell a white console, or Nivea's commercial implying Black men need to be "civilized." These examples highlight why understanding media bias is crucial. It's important that we critically analyze the messages we consume. ReMedia empowers you to navigate the media landscape with confidence.
Join the ReMedia Movement
Remember, media doesn't create bias – biased creators do.
Contact us about the MEEW today!
#MEEWorkshop #MediaLiteracy #ImplicitBias #ReMedia